Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Slam Dunk

So day two of summer, and it's going ok. We don't have a lot of down time, so that is actually very helpful. I am keeping them as busy as possible, so when it is time for dinner, their heads start bobbing over their spaghetti (ok so none of them would actually eat spaghetti voluntarily, but my day dream so hush). I even enrolled them in a running club. So funny to watch Rev run, I mean really, why did I not think of this earlier? Cotton did not have the stamina or the coordination to really participate, so this kind of gives us something to work on. My hope is that we can help him learn to run the 100 without hating it. We have been walking since the weather has warmed up, this is one "sport" that he might actually be able to participate in.

True to my word, I took Cotton on his first swimming lesson... um neither one of us drowned, despite Cotton's best effort. I really think he was trying to drown me. At one point, he jumped out of the pool, he was desperate to go down this giant slide, he ran as fast as he could (but not at running club) while I jumped out, and tried to run after him, the life guard kept yelling at him to stop, I yelled to the life guard he can't hear you (because I did not think the 20 year old kid would be interested in auditory processing issues) and then I proceeded to yell at him myself. All in all, it was a successful first trip (note sarcasm.)

Life is never dull around here, let me tell you...

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I blog about autism, albinism, my three "active" boys, and life a military family.