Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Same Song Second Verse

So I took Rev into see the ENT and the audiologist today, and he failed the initial exam. Of course they have no answers for us, and we have to do more testing yada yada. I feel like I can face anything, so why does it always seem like that which I must face has its' back turned to me. It feels eerily like when I found out Cotton was visually impaired. I though whew that was close, I thought it was autism lol. I am trying to separate the two experiences, but I am finding it really difficult. I guess this is more of a facebook post than a blog, but I don't think anyone I know needs to be on this roller coaster with me... come to think of it, can I get off?? Sheesh... here we go.


KAL said...

I don't know what to say except to send you a virtual hug. I'm sorry. I hope you get answers soon.

mjsuperfan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mjsuperfan said...

Okay, I'm deleting my last comment due to using less than polite language, but you know how I feel! Good luck with it all.

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I blog about autism, albinism, my three "active" boys, and life a military family.