Friday, May 20, 2011

Sick and Sicker

Cotton has been sick a lot lately. It's almost like he never really gets better. One mysterious fever after another. Vomiting, ear infections, and one antibiotic after another. He can't really tell us what is wrong, and this makes me very, very nervous. One minute he is fine and the next minute, his fever spikes, his eyes become red and he becomes very lethargic. This lasts for three days at a time, and then goes away, only to come back. The whole family has wrestled with illness this year and pardon the pun, but I am sick of it! We are going back to the doctor again today, and I really hope they can come up with something.

This is the scary part of not being able to communicate effectively. Every time I ask him a question, he shakes his head no. School called again today, he was fine when I put him on the bus, but the fever is back. I went to pick him up and he looked awful! He's in the other room sleeping right now. Do you have any idea how unusual it is for him to sleep during the middle of the day! I hope we can find some answers for my poor little boy.

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I blog about autism, albinism, my three "active" boys, and life a military family.