Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Coming into his own

Landon has really, really grown up the last few months. He is coming into his own in many ways, particularly in regards to sports. He is currently in soccer camp and I absolutely love to watch him play. He is really agile, VERY motivated, and quick! He's the kid that is always ready to go. It is refreshing to watch my child succeed. Bittersweet, but awesome at the same time. At running club, he usually places 1st or 2nd in all the races, little man has speed! It is nice to be part of the "typical" world from time to time, with so much emphasis on his brothers, we work extremely hard to make his life as autism free as possible.

But there are times that our worlds collide, and unfortunately, and fortunately Landon has to deal with things, I would rather he didn't. I am worried about next year. Cotton's classroom, is located on the kindergarten wing, and I know that Landon will have to answer some uncomfortable questions. We are trying to prepare him, without making it too dramatic. Knowing him he will shrug it off, but I so wish I could shelter him from what is bound to happen.

But nothing keeps that kid down long. The other day he was collecting tomatoes out of the garden. All of a sudden he looks in his bag and says "Oh damn!" "Landon! I scold, that is not a nice word! We don't say that word (ahem.. some of us anyway)" He looked at me and in all seriousness and said "But you don't even know why I said damn!" And that my friends just about sums it up.

1 comment:

mjsuperfan said...

That's so funny! At least he had his reasons.

I'm always surprised that Joey doesn't seem embarrassed by the twins and their differentness. They are being moved back to their home school this year, and Joey is happy about it.

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I blog about autism, albinism, my three "active" boys, and life a military family.