Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lady of Leisure

So I made it through the depths of winter, oh my how I dislike January. There is nothing worse than it being cold and dark. Cotton on the other hand absolutely LOVES the snow, and has been pouting all week, looking out the window at the sunny 70 degree sky, and saying "outside it's snowing!"

I am not sure what I am going to do with myself! All of my children will be in school full time next month! All of them, I seriously do not know what to do with my time! I mean, I know, I will actually get a few things done, I might even get to do a few things without someone screaming and yelling at me, BABIES!!!

Landon lost his first tooth tonight, Rev moved into a big boy bed this week, and Cotton turns 8 next BABIES!!! I never really thought that I would move out of this phase of having young, I mean strapped to me young children. It is just one time in my life that has seemed to have lasted an eternity! Good and bad:)

So, if you want to catch up with me I'll be off to coffee with the girls (you know, when I am not scrubbing the toilet, running the lunch I forgot off to school, attending the field trips, I always have to miss... you know the other five minutes of the day.)

1 comment:

mjsuperfan said...

Isn't it strange?? I have gotten rid of so much stuff--when the twins were two I kept buying toys, thinking it would help them learn to play. Now I am digging out from under all of that stuff.
Enjoy yourself... you have earned some peace and quiet.

Also, once in a while you can actually spend time with just one of your boys at a time (a nice luxury).

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I blog about autism, albinism, my three "active" boys, and life a military family.