Landon is a unique and lovely little boy, and the most loquacious of my children. His Christmas list, is long and really strange, to include star wars legos, transformers, a map and a globe plus a flashlight...
What exactly do you want to do with these items son?
The most disconcerting is that he wants a magic wand to "poof me into a cow." He actually wrote that on his letter to Santa, I'm very happy that he has in fact been naughty this year and I alone will be saving him from the coal Santa has planned for him and will not include this wand in his holiday loot.
I don't want to be a cow, but you would be low stress... until.... hmmm maybe I should rethink that vegetarian thing again.
Anyway, his fifth birthday is coming up on Sunday. FIFTH! He wants to go bowling because he wants to be a bowler when he grows up, and "needs practice." He has a plan for learning to ride his bike, he likes this practice thing, he wants to keep a journal to keep track, and I keep forgetting. He's definitely the leader of our boys, and he thinks himself a therapist. He has taken it upon himself to teach Rev to speak, and he is actually doing a very good job. Sitting between his brothers in the backseat of our car the other day he told his brothers, about his birthday plans, he exclaimed "ISN"T THAT EXCITING!! SAY YES!
Despite being the leader in many ways, he often forgets that Cotton is bigger than him.
Cotton does not.
He also often forgets that Rev can scream louder than any human on the planet should. Therefore Landon rarely gets his way. He is also the first one to get yelled at, unfortunately he is the only one who can explain what happened.
No wonder he wants to teach his brothers to talk.
He is a really smart little boy, way smarter than I know what to do with. He keeps me on task. Each morning he wakes up....extremely chipper, announces the date, day of the week, and everyones schedule for the day. He argues with me constantly and he often has a good point. I am quickly failing him in the question department, as his incessant questions are far beyond my grasp at the moment (thank goodness for the internet!) His capacity to get in trouble has also surpassed my toddler parenting books, this week he purchased apps for the ipad (how on earth he got my password, I will never know), turned on and watched a movie on netflix (thank goodness again it was care bears.) But still that could of been very bad, fortunately he feels very bad about these discretions and has reminded me to tell Santa that he has already been punished.
except for the poofing me into a cow thing.
Ha! That is quite the Christmas list!! Your Landon sounds a lot like my Sami -- full of energy, trouble and smarts -- it is a wicked combination. And I wouldn't trade it for the world!
Landon would get along with my son Joey (the transformers, Lego, flashlight and so on sound very familiar). Does he ever play around with the Map app on the IPad? Joey loves it.
People always say this to me, but now I have a chance to say to someone else: you certainly have your hands full. In a good way!
This makes me want to laugh and cry! What a funny, sweet, and troublesome boy you've got there. :)
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