This place is loud... and messy, really there are toys everywhere. They are in constant motion, CONSTANT. Rev, the youngest of my crew is about the most agile two year old, I have ever met. Seriously the boy has some gross motor skills. Just try to catch him for a diaper change, I dare you. I don't even gasp anymore, the kid can leap from anything on to anything, he is like a cat. There are baskets and baskets of toys everywhere and yet here I am shopping online for more. Because that is what we do in America.
Thanksgiving was great. We went to St. Louis to see my sister in law, and the kids did well. I mean they were kids, but decent for my boys. Can I just say the ipad saved me!!! I will never ever go to another restaurant without it, Rev waited 45 minutes for his dinner without so much as a peep. I am sure I was being judged, but no less than if he was screaming....I prefer the electronically engaged option. The family was great too, it was the first year we didn't get those creepy questions about how Cotton was doing. They also did not follow him around calling his name and asking him questions that he was never going to answer. Instead they played with him, commented on how much he was saying now, but mostly and most importantly "it" was a non subject. It was nice, and I was thankful:)
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