When I first started this blog, I thought that poop, sleep and speech, might indeed be a better title for it, considering every other post was about one or the other. I am happy to report that at least two of these items, play a very small role in my life these days. Cotton, for the most part sleeps well. The only not so great thing, is that he wakes up very early. Like between five and six every day.... he is a bit confused because he always wakes up the earliest on the weekends. It is one of those unfair problems that I really have no business complaining about considering how bad it was, just a few short years ago (years that have probably decreased my total lifespan!)
Then there is poop. Cotton has (thank you Lord!!) been potty trained for many years. He was relatively speaking, late to potty train, but not all that difficult. But, the fear that he would never potty train certainly made me a bit crazy back then. Landon was actually a bit tougher. I think we put too much pressure on him, because we knew that he understood, and was "choosing" not to use the toilet. So, I am not out of the woods yet, there is still one more. People think, I am kidding, but I don't have any intention on potty training Rev, any time soon. He is so not ready, and I am absolutely not going to push him into it.
Then there is speech..aka...the bane of my existence. We all know Cotton's issues, although he has come sooooo far, it has been a slow, baby step at a time process, and while his communication is "functional" we still have light years to go. Thankfully Landon was born talking. Sometimes so much, I think my head will explode, but I am grateful, that I didn't have to worry about that with him.
Now Rev...Rev,Rev,Rev. We started back with speech therapy, and he is doing well. He is not at all like Cotton, but the fear I have can really just be way too much. I wish his development was more clear cut, but it is not. I have to find a way to let go of that fear, because like it or not, he is who he is. He can say words, mostly things like "up," and "that" or "this" with a beautiful never taken for granted pointed little finger. But, when I compare him to other kids his age, that old wound festers, and throbs, and I fear that my fear will do Rev, more harm than good. I am trying to be patient, and positive. I am trying to hold on to my sanity in the face of what feels like the collapse of all that is good and true. I am trying to accept what is, and not what I want. I am trying. After all, I have made it through many years without sleep, and a mountain of poop, and have not lost my sense of humor. Nose plugs, and caffine can solve a lot of problems.
It would be unusual if you were NOT worried considering all you've already lived through. Sometimes not knowing is rough, I so know what you mean. On the other hand, you thought you'd never be done with the poop and sleep and here you are... (can I insert how jealous and hopeful I am?). Hang in there!
Well, as KAL says, it's normal that you are worried. But saying "that" and "this" and pointing are such good signs. I am no one to talk about not worrying, but I do know I'm happiest when I manage to avoid comparing my guys to other kids.
As part of my effort to stop comparing my kids, I'm officially giving up blogging, but I'm still reading a few, and yours will always be on my list!
Just to show how flaky I can be, thought I'd tell you I will still blog. I had closed it down because some one was reading who I didn't want to, but I decided I don't care.
How are things going?
We are having school issues...yuck!
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